Christmas Santa Yoda Grey Mens T-Shirt

Joy, Will There Be

We’re getting a bit tired of a giant man with rosy cheeks doling out gifts every year. Don’t get us wrong, in the long run we don’t mind Santa; we’re just craving something new this year. Maybe instead of a jolly saint, we need a thoughtful mentor. Maybe instead of a peace-loving tinker, we need a peace-loving warrior. Maybe, just maybe, we need someone short and green instead of tall and white. Yeah, okay, you got us, we really just want more Yoda. Can you imagine how awesome that would be? Instead of bicycles and toys, we would be getting wisdom and light-sabers. If you’re on team Yoda-for-Santa, show your preference with this Santa Yoda Grey T-Shirt. This mostly cotton t-shirt has a graphic print on the front of Yoda dressed up like Santa, red outfit, a bag of gifts, and all. We’re getting excited just thinking about it. Maybe he’ll give us books on the Jedi order. Maybe he’ll give us some light-saber training lessons. Maybe he won’t even fill our stockings because the material is irrelevant for Jedis! Doesn’t that sound great?
