Womens The Princess Bride As You Wish Shirt

No more rhymes now, I mean it.

Anybody want a peanut?

The Princess Bride is one of the greatest movies of all time. Saying anything otherwise would be absolutely, totally, and in all other ways, inconceivable. It has everything: swordfighting, torture, a giant, revenge, a pompous Sicilian, and, above all, romance. (Yuck!) It’s one of the very few movies that can combine ultimate manliness and superlative mushiness into the end-all theater experience.

We remember back when we were kids and our elementary school had only three VHS cassettes. If the teacher played Willow all the girls groaned. If she played The Last Unicorn all the boys moaned. But if she popped The Princess Bride into the TV? (You remember, the heavy, old-fashioned kind that had to be strapped onto a metal cart so kids wouldn’t get crushed if it toppled?) Now, that was always a surefire crowd pleaser!

If you’re in love with the greatest love story ever told, then the Dread Pirate Roberts’ timeless words of endearment must always run through your head. This shirt has that iconic scene with those wonderful words transposed over it, the ultimate look for fans of the movie. (Not available in XXXXXXXXXXXXXXL — sorry, André.)
